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Linda Ludwig & James Curle

Linda Ludwig & James Curle are an award-winning English/German writing and directing duo whose work has screened at OSCAR, BAFTA & BIFA qualifying festivals globally. As a neuro-divergent directing duo, they are interested in stories about unique perspectives, about characters who don’t fit the convention.

Their Cannes-winning debut short MAN OF THE HOUR, starring Charlotte Ritchie, was reviewed as “among the best short films ever” by MovieViral. Their debut feature script MAN WITHOUT HEART, a drama about neurodiversity, was placed as Quarterfinalist in both the ScreenCraft Feature competition and the Raindance Script Competition 2021. Their latest film UNDER THE BLUE is now on the festival circuit and already BIFA-qualified and Winner of Best Director Drama Honourable Mention in the London Director Awards 2024, Best UK Short Film at Unrestricted View FF 2024, Best Crime at Beeston FF 2024, “Wolf Award” Best Film Overall & Best Short & Best Cinematography at Wolverhampton FF
2024, and it has also received Best Director & Best Actress nominations at Unrestricted View FF 2024 and Best Actress
& Best Colourist at Wolverhampton FF 2024.